*Physics Department, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 7–9, Dr. Ion Raţiu St., Sibiu, 550012, Romania,
**”Victor Papilian” Faculty of Medicine, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Abstract. When coherent light passes through a transparent fluid having scattering centers (SC) in suspension the result of the far field interference is a “speckled” image. In suspension the SCs have a complex sedimentation and Brownian motion. Consequently the biospeckle image is not static but presents time fluctuations. A computer code to simulate the dynamics of the coherent light scattering on biological suspensions was written and used to investigate typical biological suspensions like erythrocytes. The calculated far field intensity variation was analyzed using the Dynamic Light Scattering particle sizing technique and the simulation results were found to be realistic. Practical applications are suggested based on the simulation results.
Key words: suspensions, computer simulation, biospeckles, image processing
Corresponding author’s e-mail: dan.chicea@ulbsibiu.ro
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